This gorgeous outift is a reversible crossover back pinny with matching reversible bloomers

This ones a cute little balloon style dress with long bloomers!
So cute!

And another reversible pinny, has matching bloomers
but I forgot to take a pic!

This ones a cute little balloon style dress with long bloomers!
So cute!
And another reversible pinny, has matching bloomers
but I forgot to take a pic!
Armadillos !!! How cute are these !!!
More dragons, these colors are so vibrant
Gorgeous animal print, with pandas, elephants, zebras and more!
Froggy fisherman flongies, this is a gorgeous print!
I'm making more flongies today
Love these tan cords, the bright orange fabric turns boring tan into cute an funky!
And some down on the farm fun!!! Look at those cute tractor prints!
The possiblities are endless! These ones have a cute sea life print. The flongies are made from anti pill blizzard fleece. Waistbands are from all sorts of prints. The flongies also have an extra polar fleece insert stitched in at the back for maximum absorbancy.
Fisherman Flongies are on auction now at Buggz
Oh I am clever aren't I! Yay I put all these pictures together!
So you can see the front, backs, appliques and reversibles
To the left is the dungarees front, with some knee patches for crawlers!